
Zaradi hitre rasti podjetja in naraščajočega povpraševanja
po naših igralnih napravah iščemo


Pridruži se naši ekipi! Skupaj bomo z naprednimi tehnologijami in inovativnimi pristopi preoblikovali večmilijonsko igralniško industrijo.

Če te navdušujejo izzivi na področju vodenja in načrtovanja proizvodnje, upravljanja skladišča ter uvajanja avtomatizacije in izboljšav v proizvodnih procesih, te vabimo, da nadaljuješ z branjem in preveriš, ali smo prava priložnost zate.


Tvoje vsakodnevne odgovornosti bodo:

  • Vodenje oddelka proizvodnje in skladišča.
  • Skrb za vodenje ekipe, učinkovito komunikacijo in razvoj (delovodja in ekipa 3 delavcev).
  • Vodenje in planiranje proizvodnje.
  • Načrtovanje in nadzor nad proizvodnimi procesi.
  • Vzpostavitev normativov ter metrik spremljanja učinkovitosti.
  • Vzpostavitev sistemov za nadzor kakovosti.
  • Upravljanje procesov in tokov v ERP sistemu.
  • Spremljanje in analiza naročil za določanje prioritet.
  • Spremljanje realizacije proizvodnje in pravočasno ukrepanje.
  • Vzpostavljanje novih proizvodnih linij.
  • Podpora pri razvoju prototipov in pripravi tehnične dokumentacije.
  • Sistemizacija in ureditev prostorov skladišča.
  • Postavitev in upravljanje procesa skladiščenja.
  • Vpeljava označevanja izdelkov in avtomatizacija.
  • Upravljanje zalog končnih produktov.

Izkušnje, veščine, spretnosti ...
Poglej, ali se ujamemo:

  • Vsaj 5 let relevantnih delovnih izkušenj.
  • Izkušnje z vodenjem ekipe.
  • Dobro razumevanje proizvodnih procesov ter izkušnje s planiranjem in optimizacijo.
  • Poznavanje skladiščnih procesov in izkušnje z vzpostavljanjem proizvodnih linij.
  • Sposobnost hitrega prilagajanja spremembam in obvladovanja zahtevnih situacij.
  • Timsko delo, organiziranost, prilagodljivost in pripravljenost na nenehno učenje.
  • Napredno znanje angleškega jezika
  • Napredno znanje računalniških orodij, vključno z ERP sistemi in sposobnost hitrega učenja novih tehnologij.
  • Vozniški izpit B kategorije.
  • Pripravljenost na delo na lokaciji v Novi Gorici.

Dodatno nas boš prepričal/-a, če:

  • Se znaš hitro prilagoditi spremembam v proizvodnji in različnim zahtevam.
  • Znaš predvideti težave in učinkovito prilagajati načrte.
  • Se rad/-a učiš in deliš svoje znanje z ekipo.
  • Si empatičen/-a vodja, ki gradi močne odnose, spodbuja sodelovanje v ekipi in vedno priskoči na pomoč, ko te potrebujejo.


Dolgoročno zaposlitev s polnim delovnim časom

Iščemo nekoga za dolgoročno sodelovanje, zato ponujamo zaposlitev za nedoločen čas s 6-mesečnim poskusnim obdobjem.

Enoizmensko delo v dopoldanskem času

Delo poteka v eni izmeni, in sicer v dopoldanskem času.

Urejen urnik

Pri nas boš imel/-a svobodo pri odločanju in priložnost, da neposredno vplivaš na proizvodne procese. Nimamo časa za mikromanagement ali omejevanje inovacij.

Prijetno delovno okolje

Nudimo spodbudno in zaposlenemu prijazno delovno okolje, ki skrbi za dobro počutje zaposlenih.

Odprto in kolegialno okolje

V našem timu se vsi trudimo za odličnost in spodbujamo nove ideje ter različne poglede, tako med zaposlenimi kot v vodstvu.

Veliko priložnosti za rast in razvoj

Poleg dragocenih izkušenj pri vodenju proizvodnih procesov in projektov, nudimo obilo priložnosti za profesionalno rast, vključno z dostopom do tečajev, usposabljanj in mentorstva.

Avtonomija, fleksibilnost in direkten vpliv pri delu

Pri nas boš imel/-a svobodo pri odločanju in priložnost, da neposredno vplivaš na proizvodne procese. Nimamo časa za mikromanagement ali omejevanje inovacij.

Družabni dogodki in teambuildingi

Vsako leto organiziramo teambuilding in druge zabavne dogodke kot so velikonočna zabava, “Ugly Christmas Sweater”, novoletna zabava, ...

Pri nas te čaka priložnost za resničen vpliv na procese, kjer boš sodeloval/-a z ekipo predanih strokovnjakov. Lahko ti obljubimo dinamično in izzivov polno delo.

Če si se prepoznal/-a v tem opisu, te vabimo, da oddaš prijavo in izpolniš kratek vprašalnik preko spodnjega linka!

Pridruži se nam in postani del naše zgodbe.
Razpis je odprt do 17. septembra 2024, zato ne odlašaj.

Si pripravljen/a, da se z nami podaš na pot inovacij?

Tronius je vodilno podjetje na področju tehnoloških inovacij v igralniški industriji. Kot pionir na področju najnaprednejših igralnih naprav že več kot dve desetletji oblikujemo prihodnost igralniških okolij.

Ne ustvarjamo le novih igralniških izkušenj. Revolucioniramo svet igralniških iger. 

Obljubimo ti, da ti pri nas ne bo dolgčas. Sodeloval/a boš le z ljudmi, ki so drzni, inovativni in pripravljeni na nenehen napredek. 

Prepričaj se sam/a. 

Imaš vprašanja?

Piši nam na

Veselimo se, da se kmalu spoznamo.

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Mid Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.

TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional front-end solutions.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.

A sneak peek into the skill set…
Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • 3+ years of professional experience in front-end development.
  • Proven experience with one or more modern JavaScript frameworks/libraries (React, Angular, Vue.js).
  • Strong proficiency in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and related web technologies.
  • Experience with state management libraries (e.g., Redux, Vuex) and front-end build tools (Webpack, Babel).
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs, and integrating front-end applications with back-end services.
  • Strong understanding of responsive design, accessibility standards, and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Proficiency in Git.
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Additional plus? Experience with video game development, Phaser and C++

Your characteristics will add extra fuel
to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s or Koper’s office at least 1 day per week.

long-term position

We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals for first 6 months

Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth and development

Work under strong technical leadership.

Opportunities to develop innovative solutions

Build from scratch. No maintaining other people’s codes, only innovation.

autonomy flexibility direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together events

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius'
innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Senior Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.

TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional front-end solutions.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.
  • Architect software components for maximum utility and future scalability.

A sneak peek into the skill set…
Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • 5+ years of professional experience in front-end development.
  • Proven experience with one or more modern JavaScript frameworks/libraries (React, Angular, Vue.js).
  • Strong proficiency in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and related web technologies.
  • Experience with state management libraries (e.g., Redux, Vuex) and front-end build tools (Webpack, Babel).
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs, and integrating front-end applications with back-end services.
  • Strong understanding of responsive design, accessibility standards, and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Proficiency in Git.
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Additional plus? Experience with video game development, Phaser and C++

Your characteristics will add extra fuel
to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s or Koper’s office at least 1 day per week.

long-term position

We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals for first 6 months

Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth and development

Work under strong technical leadership.

Opportunities to develop innovative solutions

Build from scratch. No maintaining other people’s codes, only innovation.

autonomy flexibility direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together events

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius'
innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Mid Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications.

TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional front enf and backend applications.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.

A sneak peek into the skill set…
Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • 3+ years of hands-on experience in software engineering, demonstrating a track record of successful projects and technical expertise.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing enterprise-level and cloud-based applications.
  • Strong proficiency in C++.
  • Experience with TypeScript.
  • Experience with relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL) and/or NoSQL databases (e.g., Cassandra, MongoDB).
  • Knack for leveraging AI tools (GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, or similar)
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Understanding of basic design principles and the ability to provide technical insights to design teams.
  • Additional plus? Experience in using containerization tools such as Docker and Kubernetes (kubectl).

Your characteristics will add extra fuel
to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s or Koper’s office at least 1 day per week.

long-term position

We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals for first 6 months

Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth and development

Work under strong technical leadership.

Opportunities to develop innovative solutions

Build from scratch. No maintaining other people’s codes, only innovation.

autonomy flexibility direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together events

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius'
innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Senior Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on architecture, scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications. 

TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional frontend and backend applications.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.
  • Architect software components for maximum utility and future scalability.

A sneak peek into the skill set…
Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • A 5+ years of hands-on experience in software engineering, demonstrating a track record of successful projects and technical expertise.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing enterprise-level and cloud-based applications.
  • Strong proficiency in C++
  • Experience with TypeScript.
  • Experience with relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL) and/or NoSQL databases (e.g., Cassandra, MongoDB).
  • Proficiency in using containerization tools such as Docker and Kubernetes (kubectl).
  • Knack for leveraging AI tools (GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, or similar)
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Understanding of basic design principles and the ability to provide technical insights to design teams.

Your characteristics will add extra fuel
to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s or Koper’s office at least 1 day per week.

long-term position

We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals for first 6 months

Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth and development

Work under strong technical leadership.

Opportunities to develop innovative solutions

Build from scratch. No maintaining other people’s codes, only innovation.

autonomy flexibility direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together events

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius'
innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!


Zaradi hitre rasti podjetja in naraščajočega povpraševanja
po naših igralnih napravah iščemo


Pridruži se naši ekipi! Skupaj bomo z naprednimi tehnologijami in inovativnimi pristopi preoblikovali večmilijonsko igralniško industrijo. 

Če te navdušujejo izzivi na področju vodenja in načrtovanja proizvodnje, upravljanja skladišča ter uvajanja avtomatizacije in izboljšav v proizvodnih procesih, te vabimo, da nadaljuješ z branjem in preveriš, ali smo prava priložnost zate. 


Tvoje vsakodnevne odgovornosti bodo:

  • Vodenje oddelka proizvodnje in skladišča.
  • Skrb za vodenje ekipe, učinkovito komunikacijo in razvoj (delovodja in ekipa 3 delavcev).
  • Vodenje in planiranje proizvodnje.
  • Načrtovanje in nadzor nad proizvodnimi procesi.
  • Vzpostavitev normativov ter metrik spremljanja učinkovitosti.
  • Vzpostavitev sistemov za nadzor kakovosti.
  • Upravljanje procesov in tokov v ERP sistemu.
  • Spremljanje in analiza naročil za določanje prioritet.
  • Spremljanje realizacije proizvodnje in pravočasno ukrepanje.
  • Vzpostavljanje novih proizvodnih linij.
  • Podpora pri razvoju prototipov in pripravi tehnične dokumentacije.
  • Sistemizacija in ureditev prostorov skladišča.
  • Postavitev in upravljanje procesa skladiščenja.
  • Vpeljava označevanja izdelkov in avtomatizacija.
  • Upravljanje zalog končnih produktov.

Izkušnje, veščine, spretnosti ...
Poglej, ali se ujamemo:

  • Vsaj 5 let relevantnih delovnih izkušenj.
  • Izkušnje z vodenjem ekipe.
  • Dobro razumevanje proizvodnih procesov ter izkušnje s planiranjem in optimizacijo.
  • Poznavanje skladiščnih procesov in izkušnje z vzpostavljanjem proizvodnih linij.
  • Sposobnost hitrega prilagajanja spremembam in obvladovanja zahtevnih situacij.
  • Timsko delo, organiziranost, prilagodljivost in pripravljenost na nenehno učenje.
  • Napredno znanje angleškega jezika.
  • Napredno znanje računalniških orodij, vključno z ERP sistemi in sposobnost hitrega učenja novih tehnologij.
  • Vozniški izpit B kategorije.
  • Pripravljenost na delo na lokaciji v Novi Gorici.

Dodatno nas boš prepričal/-a, če:

  • Se znaš hitro prilagoditi spremembam v proizvodnji in različnim zahtevam.
  • Znaš predvideti težave in učinkovito prilagajati načrte.
  • Se rad/-a učiš in deliš svoje znanje z ekipo.
  • Si empatičen/-a vodja, ki gradi močne odnose, spodbuja sodelovanje v ekipi in vedno priskoči na pomoč, ko te potrebujejo.


Dolgoročno zaposlitev s polnim delovnim časom

Iščemo nekoga za dolgoročno sodelovanje, zato ponujamo zaposlitev za nedoločen čas s 6-mesečnim poskusnim obdobjem.

Delo poteka v eni izmeni, in sicer v dopoldanskem času.

Polni delovni čas in dolgoročno sodelovanje. Ponujamo delo za nedoločen čas s 6-mesečnim preizkusnim obdobjem.

Urejen urnik

Urejen delovni urnik in spoštovanje prostega časa.


Nudimo spodbudno in zaposlenemu prijazno delovno okolje, ki skrbi za dobro počutje zaposlenih.

Odprto in kolegialno okolje

Ponujamo priložnost za osebno in strokovno rast ter razvoj v podpornem delovnem okolju.

Veliko priložnosti za rast in razvoj

Poleg dragocenih izkušenj pri vodenju proizvodnih procesov in projektov, nudimo obilo priložnosti za profesionalno rast, vključno z dostopom do tečajev, usposabljanj in mentorstva.

Avtonomija, fleksibilnost in direkten vpliv pri delu

Pri nas boš imel/-a svobodo pri odločanju in priložnost, da neposredno vplivaš na proizvodne procese. Nimamo časa za mikromanagement ali omejevanje inovacij.

Družabni dogodki in teambuildingi

Letni teambuilding ter druga zabavna srečanja - velikonočna zabava, “Ugly Christmas Sweater”, novoletna zabava, ...

Dolgoročno zaposlitev s polnim delovnim časom

Iščemo nekoga za dolgoročno sodelovanje, zato ponujamo zaposlitev za nedoločen čas s 6-mesečnim poskusnim obdobjem.

Enoizmensko delo v dopoldanskem času

Delo poteka v eni izmeni, in sicer v dopoldanskem času.


Urejen delovni urnik in spoštovanje prostega časa.


Nudimo spodbudno in zaposlenemu prijazno delovno okolje, ki skrbi za dobro počutje zaposlenih.

Odprto in kolegialno okolje

V našem timu se vsi trudimo za odličnost in spodbujamo nove ideje ter različne poglede, tako med zaposlenimi kot v vodstvu.

Veliko priložnosti za rast in razvoj

Poleg dragocenih izkušenj pri vodenju proizvodnih procesov in projektov, nudimo obilo priložnosti za profesionalno rast, vključno z dostopom do tečajev, usposabljanj in mentorstva.

Avtonomija, fleksibilnost in direkten vpliv pri delu

Pri nas boš imel/-a svobodo pri odločanju in priložnost, da neposredno vplivaš na proizvodne procese. Nimamo časa za mikromanagement ali omejevanje inovacij.

Družabni dogodki in teambuildingi

Letni teambuilding ter druga zabavna srečanja - velikonočna zabava, “Ugly Christmas Sweater”, novoletna zabava, ...

Pri nas te čaka priložnost za resničen vpliv na procese, kjer boš sodeloval/-a z ekipo predanih strokovnjakov. Lahko ti obljubimo dinamično in izzivov polno delo.

Če si se prepoznal/-a v tem opisu, te vabimo, da oddaš prijavo in izpolniš kratek vprašalnik preko spodnjega linka!

Pridruži se nam in postani del naše zgodbe.
Razpis je odprt do 17. septembra 2024, zato ne odlašaj.

Si pripravljen/a, da se z nami podaš na pot inovacij?

Tronius je vodilno podjetje na področju tehnoloških inovacij v igralniški industriji. Kot pionir na področju najnaprednejših igralnih naprav že več kot dve desetletji oblikujemo prihodnost igralniških okolij.

Ne ustvarjamo le novih igralniških izkušenj. Revolucioniramo svet igralniških iger.

Obljubimo ti, da ti pri nas ne bo dolgčas. Sodeloval/a boš le z ljudmi, ki so drzni, inovativni in pripravljeni na nenehen napredek.

Prepričaj se sam/a. 

Imaš vprašanja?

Piši nam na

Se že veselimo, da se kmalu povežemo!

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Mid Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.

TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day
responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional front-end solutions.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.

A sneak peek into the skill set… Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • 3+ years of professional experience in front-end development.
  • Proven experience with one or more modern JavaScript frameworks/libraries (React, Angular, Vue.js).
  • Strong proficiency in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and related web technologies.
  • Experience with state management libraries (e.g., Redux, Vuex) and front-end build tools (Webpack, Babel).
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs, and integrating front-end applications with back-end services.
  • Strong understanding of responsive design, accessibility standards, and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Proficiency in Git.
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Additional plus? Experience with video game development, Phaser and C++

Your characteristics will add extra fuel to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan
and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)


Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.


Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius' innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Mid Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.

TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day
responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional front-end solutions.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.
  • Architect software components for maximum utility and future scalability.

A sneak peek into the skill set… Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • 5+ years of professional experience in front-end development.
  • Proven experience with one or more modern JavaScript frameworks/libraries (React, Angular, Vue.js).
  • Strong proficiency in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, and related web technologies.
  • Experience with state management libraries (e.g., Redux, Vuex) and front-end build tools (Webpack, Babel).
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs, and integrating front-end applications with back-end services.
  • Strong understanding of responsive design, accessibility standards, and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Proficiency in Git.
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Additional plus? Experience with video game development, Phaser and C++

Your characteristics will add extra fuel to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan
and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)


Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.


Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius' innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Mid Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications.

TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day
responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional front enf and backend applications.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.

A sneak peek into the skill set… Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • 3+ years of hands-on experience in software engineering, demonstrating a track record of successful projects and technical expertise.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing enterprise-level and cloud-based applications.
  • Strong proficiency in C++.
  • Experience with TypeScript.
  • Experience with relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL) and/or NoSQL databases (e.g., Cassandra, MongoDB).
  • Knack for leveraging AI tools (GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, or similar)
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Understanding of basic design principles and the ability to provide technical insights to design teams.
  • Additional plus? Experience in using containerization tools such as Docker and Kubernetes (kubectl).

Your characteristics will add extra fuel to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan
and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)


Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.


Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius' innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!

Hi there!

We are on the lookout for:


Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.

As a Senior Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on architecture, scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications. 

TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.

Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.


Your day-to-day
responsibilities will be:

  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code for developing functional frontend and backend applications.
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving software issues.
  • Conducting performance tests on applications; analyzing test results and implement optimizations to enhance application performance.
  • Participating in product design reviews, providing input on functional requirements based on technical expertise and user-centric thinking.
  • Designing modules, services, and reusable components that are scalable and maintainable.
  • Architect software components for maximum utility and future scalability.

A sneak peek into the skill set… Evaluate if you’re a match:

  • A 5+ years of hands-on experience in software engineering, demonstrating a track record of successful projects and technical expertise.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing enterprise-level and cloud-based applications.
  • Strong proficiency in C++
  • Experience with TypeScript.
  • Experience with relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL) and/or NoSQL databases (e.g., Cassandra, MongoDB).
  • Proficiency in using containerization tools such as Docker and Kubernetes (kubectl).
  • Knack for leveraging AI tools (GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, or similar)
  • Solid understanding of Agile methodologies and experience in working in a Scrum environment.
  • Understanding of basic design principles and the ability to provide technical insights to design teams.

Your characteristics will add extra fuel to our journey if you are: 

  • Flexibility in rapid development cycles and changing requirements.
  • Ability to foresee challenges and pivot plans with finesse.
  • Continuous learning drive and zest to share knowledge.
  • Independent and self-responsible, yet thriving as a team player in dynamic environments.



Able to foresee challenges and pivot plans

a PERSON WITH continuous learning drive

Emphatic team player




Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan
and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.

international environment

Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)


Combination of remote work and work from Ljubljana’s office at least 2 days per week (parking provided).


We are in it for the long run, offering an indefinite contract with 6-month probation period.

Onboarding plan and goals

For first 6 months. Solid ground for your success.


Everyone here is dedicated to delivering excellence, welcoming fresh ideas and different perspectives, both from our team and management.

Opportunities for your growth

Access to courses and mentorship.

Work on diverse projects

Gain hands-on experience and skills in managing the full cycle of various product development.

direct impact

No time for micromanagement or limitations on innovation.

Get together

Yearly teambuilding and other fun gatherings such as Easter party, Ugly Christmas Sweater gathering, New Year’s party, ...)

So, if you are ready to pioneer with us in developing revolutionizing solutions, and this opportunity speaks to you, apply now by filling out our questionnaire!

The job is open until 30th October 2024.

Are you ready to walk in Tronius' innovative footsteps with us?

Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.  

We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming. 

We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.  

See for yourself how you fit in, and: 

Still not sure?

Have more questions?

Contact us on

We are eager to connect with you!

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