Pridruži se naši ekipi! Skupaj bomo z naprednimi tehnologijami in inovativnimi pristopi preoblikovali večmilijonsko igralniško industrijo.
Če te navdušujejo izzivi na področju vodenja in načrtovanja proizvodnje, upravljanja skladišča ter uvajanja avtomatizacije in izboljšav v proizvodnih procesih, te vabimo, da nadaljuješ z branjem in preveriš, ali smo prava priložnost zate.
Pri nas te čaka priložnost za resničen vpliv na procese, kjer boš sodeloval/-a z ekipo predanih strokovnjakov. Lahko ti obljubimo dinamično in izzivov polno delo.
Tronius je vodilno podjetje na področju tehnoloških inovacij v igralniški industriji. Kot pionir na področju najnaprednejših igralnih naprav že več kot dve desetletji oblikujemo prihodnost igralniških okolij.
Ne ustvarjamo le novih igralniških izkušenj. Revolucioniramo svet igralniških iger.
Obljubimo ti, da ti pri nas ne bo dolgčas. Sodeloval/a boš le z ljudmi, ki so drzni, inovativni in pripravljeni na nenehen napredek.
Prepričaj se sam/a.
Piši nam na
Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Mid Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.
TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
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Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Senior Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.
TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
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Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Mid Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications.
TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
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Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Senior Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on architecture, scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications.
TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
Have more questions?
Contact us on
Pridruži se naši ekipi! Skupaj bomo z naprednimi tehnologijami in inovativnimi pristopi preoblikovali večmilijonsko igralniško industrijo.
Če te navdušujejo izzivi na področju vodenja in načrtovanja proizvodnje, upravljanja skladišča ter uvajanja avtomatizacije in izboljšav v proizvodnih procesih, te vabimo, da nadaljuješ z branjem in preveriš, ali smo prava priložnost zate.
Pri nas te čaka priložnost za resničen vpliv na procese, kjer boš sodeloval/-a z ekipo predanih strokovnjakov. Lahko ti obljubimo dinamično in izzivov polno delo.
Tronius je vodilno podjetje na področju tehnoloških inovacij v igralniški industriji. Kot pionir na področju najnaprednejših igralnih naprav že več kot dve desetletji oblikujemo prihodnost igralniških okolij.
Ne ustvarjamo le novih igralniških izkušenj. Revolucioniramo svet igralniških iger.
Obljubimo ti, da ti pri nas ne bo dolgčas. Sodeloval/a boš le z ljudmi, ki so drzni, inovativni in pripravljeni na nenehen napredek.
Prepričaj se sam/a.
Piši nam na
Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Mid Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.
TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
Have more questions?
Contact us on
Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Mid Front-end Developer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art front-end applications in JavaScript. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, contribute to product design, and ensure that our front-end solutions are visually stunning, intuitive, and optimized for the best user experience.
TLDR; JavaScript/Typescript, Phaser, UI, Agile, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong technical leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
Have more questions?
Contact us on
Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Mid Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications.
TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
Have more questions?
Contact us on
Join our team as we embark on a journey to revolutionize the multi-dollar casino industry with new technologies and innovative approaches.
As a Senior Software Engineer, you will be at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art applications in C++. You will focus on architecture, scalability, performance, and maintainability, and will play a key role in delivering robust, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions that power modern casino applications.
TLDR; C++, relational and/or NoSQL databases, AI tools, Agile, high-performance front-end and back-end solutions, modern casino applications, flexible & hybrid settings, collegial environment, impact, no BS, strong tech leadership.
Sounds like something interesting?
Keep reading below to see if we are a match.
Tronius is the industry leader in continuous technological innovation. Tronius is a trailblazer in state-of-the-art casino machines. We have been shaping the future of gaming environments from casinos to arcades for over two decades.
We are not just creating new gaming experiences. We are revolutionizing everything about casino gaming.
We promise you won’t be bored here. You will be working only with people who are bold, innovative, and ready to constantly evolve.
See for yourself how you fit in, and:
Have more questions?
Contact us on